Preparing for your Summer Experience with BBYO is exciting! Here’s how we’ll help you get ready for the journey ahead.


Prior to trip departure, we’ll invite you to join us for an orientation call to discuss program expectations, tips and tricks for packing, and answer any additional questions you may have.

BBYO Passport Programs
Teens traveling with BBYO Passport will be invited to join a WhatsApp group for their program once they’re on the ground so that they can stay in touch with one another for the duration of the program.

BBYO Camp Leadership Programs
Teens coming to a camp program will be invited to join a GroupMe chat for their session hosted by their Teen Coordinators.


Travel insurance is valuable for situations such as cancellations due to personal or family illness, delays resulting from connecting flights, medical insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions, luggage protection, and much more. Please note that in some cases, certain benefits are available only if insurance is purchased before paying the program balance. Information on specific insurance plans, costs, and purchasing varies depending on whether you choose a BBYO Passport program or Camp & Leadership program. Plan ahead and insure your experience in advance. Learn more about travel insurance here.


Registered participants will receive emails with detailed pre-trip preparation information leading up to the summer program. We highly recommend adding [email protected] as an email contact so that important information doesn’t end up in your spam folder. These emails will include information such as your Pre-Trip guide, travel day information, supervised group flight details—if applicable—and more. We want to remind families that if you unsubscribe from any of BBYO’s email lists, you will also be removed from receiving important trip emails.

In addition to the orientation call to help families get ready for the experience, teens traveling with BBYO Passport can also expect a phone call in the weeks leading up to their departure from one of the madrichim (counselors) who will be staffing their program. They'll also receive a program t-shirt and luggage tags before heading off on their adventure.


As part of our trip preparation, you will receive a pre-trip guide that details everything you need to know about your program prior to departure. Families are highly encouraged to read through the entire guide to get a better understanding on how to best prepare for the trip. Families will also receive a copy of BBYO’s Summer Expectations and Code of Conduct and are required to go through this with their teen(s) that will be attending the program.

Pre-trip guides for our Camp Leadership programs (CLTC, ILTC, and Kallah) will be emailed to families after they register for the program. All Summer 2024 BBYO Passport pre-trip guides are linked below. Summer 2025 guides will be available soon.

If you are connecting two Summer Experiences (e.g., Israel + Europe), please read through all appropriate guides for your program.


BBYO Passport Programs
During the program—typically twice per week—families of participants will receive email notifications with important trip updates from abroad. These email updates will recap the highlights of what teens are seeing each week and make you feel like you’re a part of their journey. Links to photos of each experience will be shared with families in each trip update email. Families can also find links to pictures of each experience posted periodically on BBYO Passport’s Facebook page. Parents or guardians must be connected to the teen in their BBYO Portal account to receive trip updates. Visit this document for step-by-step instructions.

BBYO Camp Leadership Programs
During the program, families of participants will receive regular email notifications with updates about the program. Families can find pictures of each experience posted periodically on BBYO Insider’s Facebook page. Links to photos will be shared with families via email in each program update.


Protect your investment and plan for the unexpected with group travel insurance

Teen experiences in Israel are a BBYO priority, and scholarships are available

Get all your questions answered, sign up for updates, or request a brochure