Teen health and wellness are our top priority. Below you’ll find answers to some of our most asked questions about BBYO. If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us and we will be happy to help!
All participants in attendance at BBYO overnight experiences (teens and adults) are required to have the age-appropriate vaccines outlined in our immunization policy.
Vaccination guidelines vary by country and are continually evolving. We recommend consulting with your physician as well as the latest Center for Disease Control guidelines.
We recognize that individuals with specific medical conditions (i.e., documented allergy or severe adverse reaction to a particular vaccine, congenital immunodeficiency or HIV, malignancies receiving chemotherapy, transplant patients, and persons receiving immunosuppressive drugs and chronic steroids), will not be able to receive certain vaccines. In these instances, a physician documenting the problem and exempting the child from further doses of that specific vaccine will be considered but not guaranteed. Families may apply for an immunization waiver by having their teen’s physician complete this form. Once the form is complete, please email it to BBYO’s Senior Director of Wellness and Inclusion, Ari Handel.
BBYO Camp & Leadership Programs
Meals are provided by our camp facilities and included in our registration fees.
BBYO Passport Programs
Our travel program meals take on a variety of forms and may include hotel buffets, restaurants, specially catered meals, and allowance funds—pizur meals—for participants to purchase their own food. Teens may be introduced to new foods that they aren’t accustomed to. We encourage teens to keep an open mind and try the unique delicacies offered in the countries we travel to.
Participants with special dietary needs (e.g. lactose intolerance, gluten-free, kosher, etc.) should review our dietary restrictions commitment document and contact us in advance to be sure we can accommodate your needs during the program.
BBYO Camp & Leadership Programs
Perlman Camp (CLTC, ILTC, and Kallah) utilizes certified kosher ingredients, and prepares in accordance with kosher practices. There is no ongoing rabbinical supervision in the kitchen.
BBYO Passport Programs
In Israel, all meals provided on the program are kosher.
In Europe, Africa, and the Americas, all meals provided on the program are vegetarian when dining as a group. If kosher facilities are available, we will eat there.
Kosher meals during pizur time are subject to what is available locally and to the teens’ personal choices.
For CLTC, ILTC, and Kallah, all medications and supplements are required to be filled through the Camp Meds system. Camp Meds is an external company that can be found at and (954) 577-0025.
All families are required to fill necessary medications through the system. Any exemptions to this rule must be in writing from Ari Handel, Senior Director of Wellness and Inclusion.
I understand that if my child brings any prescription or over the counter medication to CLTC, ILTC, and/or Kallah, we will pay a $250 fee.
Camp Meds services DO NOT APPLY to regional events, BBYO Passport programs, or IC.
Teens are prohibited from bringing their medications to camp. This includes OTC medications and supplements.
Parents are required to complete medical forms in CampDoc for their teens to take their prescribed medication and any OTC medication provided as needed.
Teens are responsible for carrying and self-administering their own medication. With the exception of over-the-counter treatments—ibuprofen, acetaminophen, band-aids, hydrocortisone cream, bacitracin ointment—and EpiPens, our staff is not allowed to hold or administer prescribed medication and cannot be responsible for ensuring that prescribed medication is taken.
Special requests—such as refrigeration requirements—should be noted on your teen’s health form in their account.
Teens are never allowed to share or dispense prescribed medication.
BBYO partners with Camp Doc, the leading electronic health record system for camps, designed by camp doctors, nurses and directors. The secure, easy-to-use web based solution helps our staff better manage health forms, medications/allergies, and health logging throughout the BBYO programming year. Once registered, families will receive an email invitation to either set up or login to their teens account. To attend, a BBYO summer experience, your teen(s) Camp Doc profile must be completed at 100%
Yes, BBYO has partnered with CampDoc for our families to easily upload health records, medical insurance, immunizations, and medications/allergies for all BBYO programs. Upon registration for any Summer Program, you will receive an email from CampDoc with access information to your profile. A teen’s account must be 100% completed to attend an International Summer Program (BBYO Passport, CLTC, ILTC, Kallah).
Please note, every participant is required to provide a copy of a physical received within one year (12 months) of the program start date (June 2025–August 2025). The BBYO medical form can be found through a teen’s CampDoc profile in the Healthcare Provider Form section.
For questions about CampDoc please contact